The Christmas Jazz Piano Super System Is HERE!!

Hey jazz piano and christmas piano fans!  The Christmas Jazz Piano Super System is now LIVE and available today! You can get access to the course right here. As a reminder, I am including some very special and limited bonuses exclusive to launch week.  Plus, I’m also including FREE shipping to anywhere in the world for…

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Learn 5 Amazing Jazz Piano Voicings Using 1 Simple Shape

Are you looking for some new jazz piano voicings? You’ve come to the right place! In today’s free jazz piano tutorial I’m going to show you 1 simple voicing shape that you can use over 5 different chord types. It’s an extremely powerful voicing  You’ll be able to use the voicing over 99% of jazz…

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What’s The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned Studying Jazz?

One of my favorite parts of studying jazz at Berklee was that there were lots of great musicians around me to learn from and share ideas with. The sense of community was very helpful! We had so many like minded people working together on a common goal to become better jazz musicians! This created an incredible environment…

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Free Block Chord Piano Lesson

Do you want to learn more about block chords? Are you looking for an easy jazz piano lesson on the locked hand chord style? You’ve come to the right place! In today’s lesson we’re going to take a look at a style of block chords made famous by George Shearing and Ahmad Jamal (video tutorial,…

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Jacob Collier: How This Youtube Jazz Sensation Creates Music

Want to learn from Jacob Collier? You’ve come to the right place. As many of the regular readers of this site already know, I love jazz arranging! As jazz pianists, it’s important that you learn how to take a basic lead sheet of a song (just jazz piano chords and melody) and bring it to life. It’s literally…

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Jazz Piano Practice Strategy Guide Part 1

If you’re reading this lesson there’s no question that you have a love, a passion, and a commitment to learning jazz piano. You and I have a lot in common in that way! Part of my job, as an online jazz piano teacher, is to help keep you motivated and focused on your musical goals. Now, I…

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10 Most Popular Jazz Piano Tutorials Of 2013

I thought it would be fun and useful to share a list of the most popular jazz piano tutorials that were published on this site in 2013. I was able to go back and look at my analytics for FJL and see what pages people visited the most. It’s a pretty cool feature and the…

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Your Free Guide To 15 Jazz Piano Legends

If you truly want to learn jazz piano you have to listen to the right people. As your online jazz piano teacher, I want to make sure you are listening to and learning from some of the best jazz pianists who’ve ever lived. What we listen to definitely influences what comes out of our ears…

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Jazz Rhythm – How To Practice This Important Skill

Would you like to improve your jazz rhythm? Today we’re going to talk about one of the most fundamental skills that you need to succeed as a jazz piano player. Even though this skill is incredibly important I’m always amazed by how many jazz students seem so ready to blissfully ignore it inside the practice…

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13 Killer Practice Tips To Ignite Your Playing Today

Hey Everybody! I’ve been thinking a ton about motivation and inspiration recently. I’ve been super focused creating all the new content for this month’s Premium Jazz Lessons Membership update. I’ve also been doing quite a bit more touring and local gigs recently too. To say that I’m motivated right now would be an understatement!  For…

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New Beatles Piano Lesson And Some Super Exciting News

Hey Everybody! Today I’ve got 3 free piano lessons for you (including a Beatles piano lesson) and a bunch of awesome news to share with you too. So you’ll want to make sure you read this whole article. A Brand New Online Piano Website A few months back I purchased the rights to a brand…

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5 Classical Pieces That Helped Me Become A Better Jazz Musician

In today’s jazz lesson I wanted to go in a bit of a unique direction and discuss something I haven’t talked about too much before on this site…classical music. As I’m sure most of you know, 90% of my gigs these days are in the jazz, blues, and rock genres of music. It’s what I…

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3 Jazz Education Questions Revealed With A Video Response

The goal for this site has been to always provide a 21st century jazz education experience. 🙂 So, in today’s lesson I thought it would be fun to create a personalized video response to some of the questions I’ve received through comments and emails on the site. (video below) Normally, I like to have a…

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How To Make Your Jazz Song Endings Sound Cooler

In today’s lesson we’re going to learn a technique you can use to make the endings to your jazz arrangements and songs much more interesting. Most jazz songs tend to end with the typical II-V-I chord progression (2-5-1). We’re going to mess with this! 🙂 (Video piano lesson, tips, and music notation below). Now, I…

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Jazz Piano Improvisation: Build Great Licks

Do you wish you were better at jazz improvisation and jazz piano improvisation? Do you wish you could improvise over major 7th chords better than you do now? Do you find yourself lost when major 7th chords come up in your favorite jazz and rock songs? Well, in today’s lesson we’re going to explore some…

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Jazz Masters Method Special Video Blog Thank You

Hey everybody! Today’s post is going to be short but sweet. I’m truly humbled right now. I’d like to thank everybody who’s ordered the Jazz Masters Method DVD so far during this launch week. The response has been simply been AMAZING. I am truly blessed!  Thank you!! I prepared a quick little video blog as I…

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7 Inspirational Books For Musicians

Hey fellow musicians! I hope you’re having a very musical day today! So, after I released the latest article on building more creativity as a musician I received a ton of follow up questions. Many people asked me if there were any inspirational books I could recommend that were written specifically for musicians. As you know,…

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How To Nurture Your Creativity As A Musician

– Have you ever felt stuck in your development as a musician? – Have you ever felt blocked creatively, energetically, or even uninspired? – If you’re like most serious musicians your answer will most likely be YES! You’re Not Alone All serious musicians have felt this way as they progress through their journey of improving…

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Why Do You Play Jazz?

Hello my fellow jazz fanatics! I’d like to welcome all 21,879 subscribers to the free jazz lessons subscription list. We’re growing by leaps and bounds every day and I’m thrilled to have you here! Today, we’re going to help you solve some of your musical problems. In order to do that I’d like to share…

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Altered Scale – A Simple How To Guide

Are you curious how to use the altered scale? Are your dominant chords getting a bit boring? Do you wish you knew some more interesting scales to use over them? Well, in today’s jazz scale lesson I’m going to teach you a very cool sounding scale you can play over your dominant chords. This scale…

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How to Play Jazz Piano – A Beginners Guide

Alright, so how do you really learn jazz piano? Since I started this site I’ve received numerous emails from readers asking me the best way to learn how to play jazz piano and how to get started learning jazz as a beginner. Let’s first start with my jazz piano journey to give you an example……

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Interview With Jazz Legend Joey Defrancesco

One of the best ways to learn jazz is to sit down and talk with virtuosic jazz musicians. In this incredible interview we get an opportunity to sit down and explore the mind of jazz organ virtuoso Joey Defrancesco. (audio interview below) Who Is Joey Defrancesco? Joey Defrancesco is simply one of the greatest jazz…

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What Do You Struggle With The Most When Playing Jazz?

Hello readers! For today’s jazz post I’d like to start a very important discussion with you guys. One that should have taken place along time ago. If you are reading this article you have no doubt a love and passion for learning jazz and improvised music. Playing jazz is an unbelievably rewarding journey. Learning such…

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Ear Training: 4 Guaranteed Ways to Turbo-Charge Your Ears

When it comes down to it, great jazz improvisation requires a great ear. Otherwise, we end up doing what Jamey Aebersold refers to as “letting our fingers do the walking.” Without a properly developed ear, instead of creating music that’s truly unique, authentic, and powerful, we tend to fall into what naturally falls under the…

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An Essential Tool To Help You Learn Jazz

What if you could take a jazz piano lesson with Bill Evans?  How about a trumpet lesson with Miles Davis? What if we could study advanced jazz piano improvisation techniques with Chick Corea? Or imagine what it’d be like taking a piano for beginners class, taught by Duke Ellington. Unfortunately, these great masters have long…

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